Handling Ships in First Year Ice

SKU: 6.75.0057
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Despite the effects of warming in the Baltic, first-year ice still remains an annual major obstacle for commercial traffic. Ice seriously limits a vessel’s speed and manoeuvrability. Ships risk damage to their propellers, main engines, rudder(s) and hull plating. The limitations when operating in ice mean that there are greater risks of colliding with structures and other vessels. This new edition takes into account the Polar Code (introduced in 2017), increased shipping traffic in ice-affected waters and ports, and new methods of detecting ice. The book has been enhanced with improved illustrations and more detail on the phenomenon of icing.

Despite the effects of warming in the Baltic, first-year ice still remains an annual major obstacle for commercial traffic. Ice seriously limits a vessel’s speed and manoeuvrability. Ships risk damage to their propellers, main engines, rudder(s) and hull plating. The limitations when operating in ice mean that there are greater risks of colliding with structures and other vessels. This new edition takes into account the Polar Code (introduced in 2017), increased shipping traffic in ice-affected waters and ports, and new methods of detecting ice. The book has been enhanced with improved illustrations and more detail on the phenomenon of icing.