Red Ensign Mark certification - UK vessels

Red Ensign Mark certification - UK vessels

Red Ensign: all marine products used onboard UK vessels must carry the Red Ensign mark.


Starting in 2023, there have been alterations to the certification process for marine equipment utilized on UK vessels. The Marine Equipment Directive (MED) Wheel mark certifications will no longer be recognised (with some exceptions for spares and equipment manufactured before this date). Instead, marine equipment must bear the UK Conformity Mark – the Red Ensign – showing its compliance with Merchant Shipping (Marine Equipment) Regulations 2016 (MER), as amended. This includes marine insulation.


Under the new regulations outlined in the Merchant Shipping (Marine Equipment) Regulations 2016 (MER), as amended, marine equipment must prominently feature the Red Ensign to demonstrate compliance with UK standards. This encompasses a wide array of equipment crucial for maritime operations, including but not limited to propulsion systems, navigational instruments, safety gear, and marine insulation.


As a provider of maritime equipment and solutions, we recognize the importance of this regulatory shift and are fully committed to ensuring compliance with the Red Ensign requirement. 


To support you in navigating these regulatory changes seamlessly, we are proud to offer a comprehensive range of products bearing the Red Ensign. Each product listing displays the Red Ensign symbol in its specifications, providing you with the confidence that you invest in equipment that meets or exceeds UK regulatory requirements.

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